Your Home Ownership Dreams Can Come True!
WENDCO makes it easy and
affordable, with up to $40,000 in
Financial Assistance and expert Home Buyer Preparation.
We give you the keys to open the door
to your dreams |
impact the stabilization progress of our neighborhoods by
supplying safe, affordable, energy-efficient housing with
generous financial assistance packages for qualified buyers.
provide free homeowner security repairs (limited number
per year).
W e
deliver innovative community development projects with long
lasting positive impact.
W e
believe that multi-prong urban neighborhood revitalization
is the strongest foundation for saving our communities.
W e
are FUN to work with, AND, very SERIOUS to do business with . .

If you have any questions about what we do, or how we can
help you; visit the
Contact Us
Reach us via Email at
Or call us today at (330) 869-8303. |